
Caveat on Probate

If you have an interest in the estate of a deceased person, and:

  • wish to challenge the validity of a Will, for example:
    • as it is informal (in that it doesn’t comply with the usual requirements for execution); or
    • because you genuinely believe it to be a forgery;
  • have serious doubts as to the testamentary capacity of the person that made the Will at the time it was made;
  • have evidence of a later document purporting to be the deceased person’s Will; or perhaps
  • claim that a Will was executed under undue influence or pressure,

then there is a process by which you can put the Court and the person propounding that Will in an Application for Probate or Letters of Administration with the Will Annexed on notice.

That process is basically, before the Court makes a grant, to:

  • formally file with the Court; and
  • serve on the known or potential applicant

a document called a “Caveat on Probate“.

The effect of a Caveat on Probate is that the Court will not make a grant of Probate in the estate without notice to the person who lodged it.

An executor that wants to proceed with an application for a grant of Probate can apply to the Court for a Caveat to be removed if they believe that the caveator has no standing or that there is no real dispute as to the validity of the Will. In such contested proceedings for probate, they are to be commenced by Statement of Claim seeking the grant in solemn form and the other parties may file Cross Claims as appropriate.

Obviously, there can be costs consequences that flow from improperly taking this step so advice ought to be taken before doing so.

Note that the Caveat on Probate is not the appropriate step to take if you do not challenge the validity of the Will but want to seek a family provision order.


For further information, please contact McKillop Legal on (02) 9521 2455 or email 

This information is general only and is not a substitute for proper legal advice. Please contact McKillop Legal to discuss your needs.

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Deed of Company Arrangement

A Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) is a proposal put forward by stakeholders, usually the directors, whilst the company is in administration so as to give a return to creditors better than they may receive in a winding up.

Importantly, a DOCA avoids the need to place the company into liquidation and allows the company to continue to trade with control of the company ultimately going back to the directors.

DOCA arrangements are flexible in that they can provide for may forms of payment from a lump sum or a payment by instalments of a fixed amount of based on net profit.

A Deed of Company Arrangement and must be signed within 15 business days of the 2nd creditors meeting (unless this time is extended by the Court), otherwise the company must be placed into liquidation, with the administrator becoming the liquidator.

Prior to execution, a DOCA must be approved by at least 50% of creditors by number and in value of amounts owed. Once signed, DOCAs are binding agreements between the company and its creditors and the administrator is in control of the company.

If entered into, a DOCA subsists for as long as its terms provide, until the obligations in the DOCA have all been met or until Court order.


For further information, please contact McKillop Legal on (02) 9521 2455 or email 

This information is general only and is not a substitute for proper legal advice. Please contact McKillop Legal to discuss your needs.

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Voluntary Administration

Voluntary Administration (VA) is a process that enables insolvent companies to satisfy their debts. Once an administrator is appointed, the administrator can assist the company to trade its way into a healthier financial position with a view to either the company:

(a)    being placed back into the director’ control,

(b)    entering into a Deed of Company Arrangement (DOCA) or

(c)     being placed into liquidation.

Administration begins generally when the company directors (not the shareholders) resolve that the company is or is expected to become insolvent (but it can commence when a liquidator believes that that a proposed DOCA may give creditors a better return that liquidator or if a secured creditor has a right under their finance arrangements to appoint an administrator).

During a Voluntary Administration, the directors lose all control of the company and the administrator assumes sole responsibility the assets and affairs of the company.

There are 2 creditors meetings in a Voluntary Administration, the first within 8 business days of the administrator being appointed and the second, within 30 business days of that date. At this second meeting, the creditors determine the company’s fate – choosing either to enter into a DOCA if one is proposed or liquidation.

Secured creditors can exercise their security in a VA but must do so within 13 business days of the administration commencing. Unsecured creditors are unable to enforce their claims during the moratorium period that exists during the administration.

During the administration period, any guarantee of company debts cannot be enforced against a director etc.

VA ends on the entry into of a DOCA, if the creditors so resolve, if the company is placed into liquidation or if the Court orders it to end.


For further information, please contact McKillop Legal on (02) 9521 2455 or email 

This information is general only and is not a substitute for proper legal advice. Please contact McKillop Legal to discuss your needs.

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